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WAVLD History, 1976 - 2019

  • Dr. Benjamin Jarra of Mexico visited the National Animal Disease Laboratory in Ames, Iowa USA in 1976 to consult with Dr. Vaughn Seaton, Director of the Iowa Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.  A new Veterinary Research and Diagnostic Laboratory at Palo Alto, Mexico was to be dedicated in 1977 and Dr. Jarra was traveling to gain information on successful veterinary diagnostic laboratories.
  • After Dr. Seaton and Jarra met, they formed a group to plan for an organizational meeting of a new association to be called the World Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (WAVLD). 
  • The first informal meeting to discuss the formation of the WAVLD was held in Guanajuato, Mexico in 1977 with several hundred in attendance. 
  • At the Mexico conference, Dr. Hans Glattli lobbied to host the second meeting in Lucerne, Switzerland in 1980.  It was at this meeting where the WAVLD was established as a formal association. 
  • The WAVLD constitution and by-laws were approved at the 3rd ISWAVLD meeting in Ames, Iowa in 1983.
  • Dr. Vaughn Seaton, at Ames, Iowa USA was installed as the first President in Switzerland, 1980 and remained in that position for six years until the Netherlands meeting in 1986.
  • WAVLD Presidents (17 to date)
  • Hans Glattli (Switzerland), 1977-1980
  • Vaughn Seaton (USA), 1980-1986
  • Gerrit Borst (Netherlands), 1986-1989
  • Tony Van Dreumel (Canada), 1989-1992
  • Robert Filleton (France), 1992-1994
  • Bernardo Carrillo (Argentina), 1994-1996
  • Eitan Bogin (Israel), 1996-1999
  • Konrad Eugster (USA), 1999-2001
  • Francesco Cancelloti (Italy), 2001-2003
  • Prachak Poomvises (Thailand), 2003-2005
  • Analia Cobo (Uruguay), 2005-2007
  • Peter Kirkland (Australia), 2007-2009
  • Jose Blanco (Spain), 2009-2013
  • Tilman Kuhn (Germany), 2013-2015
  • Marilyn Jonas (Canada), 2015-2017
  • Gian Luca Autorino (Italy), 2017-2019
  • Achariya Sailasuta (Thailand), 2019-2021
  • Dr. Konrad Eugster at Texas A&M University was elected Secretary-Treasurer in 1992 at the meeting in Lyon, France  and held that position until 1999 when the role was passed on to Dr. Craig Carter, also of Texas A&M.  In 2009, the title of Secretary-Treasurer was changed to Executive Director to better represent the scope of duties.  Dr. Carter moved to the University of Kentucky and remained in that role until the Sorrento, Italy meeting in June, 2017.  Barbara Martin, retired from NVSL, Ames, IA, assumed the role of Executive Director in 2017.
  • To date, 18 meetings have been held in 5 continents, with our next meeting in Lyon, France in June, 2019.
  • These meetings provide outstanding CE in diagnostic veterinary medicine with a global flavor and provides the opportunity experience different cultures and to see exciting parts of the world.
  • If your country would like to host a WAVLD meeting, please come and see me after the meeting or send me an email any time.